Australia My Land

Australia My Land

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Australians and their Horses

"The History of the Light Horse is so interesting and a very fitting place to start our pages on Australian horses"

Australians have made history on the horse

Australian and horses

The State of Victoria's proud cavalry dragoon and light horse traditions reached far back into its European history. The Prince of Wales Light Horse, with troops at Bacchus Marsh, Kyneton and Geelong to begin with, began in 1860, but there were smaller, earlier mounted units.

For example The Victorian Mounted Rifle Regiment commenced in 1885. The regiment's soft felt hat turned up on one side started the tradition of the rakish slouch hat which is still worn with such pride by Australian soldiers today.

Recruits came from New South Wales to SYDNEY in the month of August 1914 to form one of three regiments of the 1st Light Horse Brigade - the first mounted formation committed by Australia to the First World War. The regiment sailed from Sydney on 19 October and disembarked in Egypt on 8 December.

"This story is told, one to honour the men from that time and two, to show the world that Australians were and are great Horsemen. Also to help keep the tradition of the early Australian digger alive."

Should your curiosity be aroused please inspect the following website, or as they would say in their time:


Brumbies in gallop

Australia had a very unique ANIMAL life when first discovered in the 1770's, it consisting of KANGAROO , EMUS and WOMBATS just to mention a few. There were no horses; they were introduced by the English.


There were only seven horses brought to Australia from England, with the First Fleet in 1788, and they were made up of two stallions and five mares. Of course their number multiplied over the years and some strayed.

Horses were used for transportation and eventually, typical of Australians, some were trained to race. Due to the aridness of the country camels were also introduced and many horse released or put down.

As war approached many Australians saw the need to breed horses on their HOMESTEADS or properties. Again after the war the MOTOR CAR came into being so many horses were released into the wild.

Wild or feral horses gained the name of the "Brumby". We do not really know where the name came from. Some believe them to be named after James Brumby in the late 1700's. Others say a prospector called Brumby let a number of horses run free, and the name came from there.

Brumby released horses into the NATIONAL PARKS Blue Mountains in New South Wales. Regardless to how the name came about, ferrel horses in Australia are referred to as Brumbies.

Learn more about the Brumby; this site has some interesting information AUSTRALIAN BRUMBIES

In Australia we take pride in being able to help those that can not help themselves. Horse riding can be for everyone.

Riding for the disabled or RDA is a non profit, voluntary, organisation which provides safe, stimulating, healthy, therapeutic horse riding and harness driving instruction for people of all ages with disabilities. Allowing them to participate in a fun enjoyable recreational sport.

Riding is a skill to learn for people at any age, but just imagine trying to learn if you were blind, had no feeling in your legs or suffered any other disability.

"RDA has been offering riding lessons for about 25 years to children and adults who suffer from a disability". RDA are always looking for helpers and volunteers. You can contact RDA AUSTRALIA

No matter what level of riding skills you have beginner to experienced we guarantee you will enjoy you riding experience in Australia - COME JOIN IN ON THE FUN!
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