Work Downunder
"Workers needed to fill jobs Downunder!"
There never seems to be enough workers

Work - Work - Work! There is plenty of work in Australia, you just need to look and you will find! There are fruit farmers all over Australia looking for people to pick their crops and there are always opportunities for skilled workers especially teachers and medics.
The fruit picking is for much of the year and there is a following of people that TRAVEL the land moving from place to place to work on the different crops as the seasons roll around. There is also pruning and general farm maintenance work available.
There never seems to be enough workers and the government has sometimes had to organise special schemes to get people here. BACKPACKER travellers also pick up work on the farms and can often pick up more work through recommendation from others they meet while picking.
There is also work in the tourism industry, with many tour operators and resorts taking on visitors as part-time workers. Many communications and sales companies also rely on overseas visitors to fill positions. The CITIES can not be left out as many workers are required by the cafe and coffee shops on a regular basis. SYDNEY, MELBOURNE and BRISBANE on the east coast, DARWIN to the north and on the west coast PERTH. Then there is ADELAIDE and when you cross Bass Strait you have Tasmania and the city of HOBART
But remember to get your work visa well BEFORE YOU ARRIVE; do not leave it till the last minute.
Visit our pages on BACKPACKING as well for more info on travelling, accommodation and other needs.
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